Thursday 1 August 2013

Live Cambridge Itikaf with Shaykh Akram Nadwi - Catch Up Online

Assalaamu 'Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh

Today is the fourth day of I'tikaf at the Cambridge Mosque. The schedule for today is different as it is the day of Jumua'h. There will be no lessons in the morning but the afternoon session will be longer.

Afternoon Session: 3.00PM - 6.00PM (BST)

3PM - 5PM - Tafsir and reflections on the Qur'an based on Surah Al-An'am. Shaykh Akram Nadwi's classes on the Qur'an are unique and extraordinary. In this classes you will get a taste of what it is like to really understand the Qur'an as it is meant to be. [Samples and testimonials at:]

5PM - 6PM - Seyed al-Khatir of Imam Ibn al-Jawzi on purification of the heart, sharpening the mind, strengthening ones resolve and learning from experience. These are lessons on deep Islamic psychology.
All lessons are held at the Cambridge Mosque (Abu Bakr Masjid) and are open to both men and women to attend (free of charge). They can also be accessed live online by following the link below (free of charge):

From Saturday onwards the time would revert to the original schedule of 10.30AM -12.30 PM and 2.30PM - 4.30PM InshaAllah.

Please forward and share in the reward!

Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars

Muslim Education & Outreach Cambridge (MEOC)

Tel:  07736 779448 / 01223 655223  Email:

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