Friday 19 April 2013

The Day That The Prophet (SAW) Became A Messenger - Surah Al-Muddaththir - Its Relevance for Our Lives

"The sharpness of the command, ‘Stand up and warn!’ marks the transition from being informed, a nabi – a prophet to whom the reality of the hereafter has been made certain – to being burdened with a commission, a rasul, a messenger who must convey that reality and all its diverse impacts on individual and collective transactions, and on the inward and outward disposition of human beings to their Creator. These are matters that we know from sound, authenticated tradition. We know therefore the sabab, the situation, to which certain verses are connected. What then? The situation is the anchor-point, the secure reference, from which meaning opens out. Nobody has ever pretended that, since we can never be in that same situation again, the associated verses do not apply to any other. On the contrary, we all know perfectly well that this surah and the whole Qur’an are proclaimed to us, and so we are informed. It remains for us to show that we do not sit wrapped up in this state of being informed, but carry it into our lives and of those nearest us, as God’s Messenger did, with conviction as to its urgency and its universality. It is obvious that the sabab does not limit the way we explain and understand the verses connected to it; it only anchors our tafsir, so that we do not wander off and get lost in our search for meanings." - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (From his notes for Surah Al-Muddaththir)

Surah Al-Muddaththir is a surah which had a great impact in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and hence it should be so in the life of every believer. Therefore, an opportunity to study this surah in depth with a scholar of the calibre of Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi is truly a blessing from Allah (SWT). In addition to an explanation of this surah, tomorrow's seminar will also address some important guidelines for understanding the Qur'an that many are unaware of.

"In my lecture I will go through the surah verse by verse. In these notes I go over, in relation to this surah, five general matters that often come up when we are trying to understand the Qur’an, and perhaps learn something of how these matters are connected. A: What is the relevance of reports going back to the Companions that inform us about the situation in connection with which certain verses were revealed? B: Reliable Prophetic hadiths and/or Companion reports teach us the tafsir (the explanation) of many verses and passages of the Qur’an. How can we benefit from them? C: What is the relevance of the sheer force of speech, the sheer literary power, of the Qur’an? D: How are we to deal with words and expressions in the Qur’an which the Qur’an itself tells us will strengthen belief in some people and strengthen unbelief in other people? E: The Qur’an says, in several places in different ways, that it is sent down for those who practise taqwa, for example, hudan li-l-muttaqin guidance for those who practise taqwa. Guidance for those who fear the Fire and hope for the Garden. But what about those who do not, what about unbelievers and misbelievers?" - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (From his notes for Surah Al-Muddaththir)

Tomorrow in Cambridge (and worldwide through live on-line access), for the first time in the UK, a detailed explanation of Surah Al-Muddaththir by Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi, one of the foremost scholars and thinkers of the Western world.

Surah Al-Muddaththir
Preparation for Public Duty to Islam
The Magnificent Journey Seminar Series

By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)

Date: Saturday 20th April 2013     Time: 10AM - 6PM

Venue: Cambridge University and Live On-line Web Access << Click Here To Register

"Alhamdulillah I've attended 3 seminars of Sheikh Akram's so far, and Insha Allah I will keep coming back for more! He was introduced to me by my brother who attends his study circles regularly in Oxford. I loved the seminar on Women scholars in Islam, it was a total eye opener into what a Muslim woman's role in society is, which surprisingly (or not) goes against many cultiural and conventionally held notions of Muslim women. My other favourite one was the tafseer of Surat al Fatiha and the last ten surahs, I will not be exaggerating when I say that I truly found it mind blowing. Sheikh Akram is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge but Masha Allah he always carries himself with the utmost humility. I have already had a look at the list of future seminars and I think MEOC is doing a great job in giving the layman an opportunity to have an exciting insight into the world of Muslim scholarship with its choice of highly intellectual topics. Last but not least, its a great opportunity to meet new people of diverse backgrounds. Well done all of you and may Allah reward you for your efforts." - Dr Fathima Shyma Fazal, Boston, Lincolnshire 

"Jazakumullah khair for the efforts of the MEOC for arranging these blessed gatherings of knowledge. The seminars I've attended so far have several elements that make them very special, starting from the choice of topics themselves which cater to the more profound needs of the people rather than addressing some superficial issues that seem to be more fashionable today. Even the content of the seminars and the manner of teaching by Shaikh Akram Nadwi are directly focussed towards developing a deeper understanding of these issues. In these seminars, one gets a glimpse of the years of learning that have gone into the brilliant scholarship of Shaikh Nadwi. Furthermore his knowledge seems to be blessed by an acute understanding of the needs of the Ummah. The seminar on the 'Legacy of Ibrahim (a.s.)' was exceptionally beautiful, wherein, the Shaikh in his own words confessed that he was attempting to transmit, not knowledge, but the state of his heart, to the others present. While the knowledge and the insight that one gains into the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the history of Muslims through these seminars is invaluable, I personally feel that these sessions are more than just one-day courses. I am inclined to call them gatherings of Remembrance of Allah, and we all know the blessings of such gatherings!" - Mohini Verma, PhD Student, Cambridge University

Monday 15 April 2013

Warning The People Around Us About The Inevitable

Warning the people about the Day of Judgement, the punishment of Allah (SWT), and the Hell fire is almost non-existent today. We worry that it is out-of-fashion and would put people off, so we avoid talking about them. However the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) focus more on the warning than the glad tidings. Why is that? 
"We think that warning is harsh and unfashionable so we only give people the good news. But we don't realise that warning is part of the good news. You strike and alert people's minds with the warning (or bad news) so that they would be eager to receive the good news. Good news alone without warning has little effect. This can be seen in the Christian tradition when the Privy Council decided that Hell fire is not an essential part of Christian belief, opposing Jesus' teachings. Fear of God should be dominant in people's minds and that is why Prophet Muhammad (SAW) started his mission with warning. We will learn this in detail in Surah Al-Muddaththir" - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi
Coming up this Saturday in Cambridge (and Worldwide through live on-line access), for the first time in the UK, a detailed explanation of Surah Al-Muddaththir by Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi, one of the foremost scholars and thinkers of the Western world today.

<<You, wrapped in your cloak, arise and give warning! Proclaim the greatness of your Lord; cleanse yourself; keep away from all filth; do not be overwhelmed and weaken; be steadfast in your Lord’s cause>> [Surah Al-Muddaththir 74:1-7]

Please sign up today for this amazing seminar....

Surah Al-Muddaththir
The Preparation for Public Duty to Islam
The Magnificent Journey Seminar Series

By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)

Date: Saturday 20th April 2013     Time: 10AM - 6PM

Venue: Cambridge University and Live On-line Web Access << Click Here To Register


"The Magnificent Journey continues... Today's seminar was yet another awesome seminar in the series with exceptional crowd and amazing insights from Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi. This is truly a historic seminar series on the explanation of The Quran and is redefining our understanding and relationship with the Book of ALLAH. The emphasise of Dr Nadwi on establishing our connection with ALLAH and utilising the space given to us for recognising one God, is the key highlight of these seminars. Each seminar begins by strongly negating the wrong practises which have been introduced in the true teachings of worshipping one ALLAH and then builds on it by inviting us to ponder on the sings of ALLAH and get closer to our Rabb. Truly inspiring series, I would strongly recommend everybody including men, women and families to attend the Magnificent Journey Seminars as these are life changing and truly install this urge of loving the Book of ALLAH. The subtle nuances of the language which make the Qur'an such a powerful speech are beautifully explained by Dr Akram Nadwi in a nice balanced way keeping the things simple and interesting at the same time. His tremendous scholarships of Hadith literature and exceptional skills of Arabic language make this series a unique experience and a historic event in the city of Cambridge." - Awais Ahmed Awan, Cambridge

"Jazakumullahu khayran. I can't thank you enough for the opportunity. I am so impressed by the Sheikh, subhanallah, mashaAllah. A very rare example of tradition fused with awareness of the environment and reality while not compromising God consciousness. If only there were more like him. Questions, I'm so glad we can ask them even if it's not about the sura. Yes, how else are we to learn from his wisdom and experience if we don't ask? The issues facing Muslims in the West are so many and so confusing and I just love the fact that he does not have an inferiority complex about Islam. It's really sad to see psychologically defeated scholars start throwing away tradition in the name of progress and fitting in. Sheikh Akram Nadwi gives you the sense that the real life is in the hereafter so don't have to get so tied up with the philosophies and controversies that sometimes take away our attention from the real purpose. The onus is on us, are we being pious?" - Aisha Barkatulla, Cambridge 

"How magnificent to have spent a weekend in the company of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and his companions, reading and studying their ahadeeth. I feel as though I was transported to their times and have returned with renewed strength and resolve to continue the work we need to do in the ‘Daar ud-Da’wah’ we live in. I am sitting here with Ijaazah in hand feeling honoured that Allah allowed me to be a student of Sheikh Akram Nadwi and through him find some connection with some of the great scholars of our past. From his poignant scholarly anecdotes, to his emphatic exhortations, punctuated with Urdu and Persian poetry; studying with the Sheikh is a truly enriching experience. I’m actually learning a lot from him both about rectifying myself and the most important focal points for that and rectifying some of the causes of the downfall of our Ummah today. Without resorting to alienating any particular group or school of thought, the Sheikh is not afraid to hold a mirror up to what needs changing in our communities and in our times. I liked the balance of holistic spiritual principles and finer technical details Sheikh also discussed and his lessons are suitable for serious students of knowledge and people who are in the early stages of their journey. I look forward to future courses. I found the crèche facility to be very useful. I would have found it very difficult to attend without it. The venue was great and respected the privacy of brothers and sisters. May Allah make knowledge a proof for us and not against us. Ameen" - Fatima Barkatullah, London (Testimonial on the Forty Hadith Course)

"This course has really been far beyond my expectations  Sheikh Akram has given me a new perspective on the topics covered, including a lot of wisdom and bringing the topic away from the superficial discussions to the core essential foundations that need to be understood by every da'ee. It has completely change my perspective on the inner dimension of a da'ee and the outer expectations of a da'ee. I have rarely seen that depth of understanding when it comes to the dawah. May Allah bless him, increase him in knowledge and wisdom and allow all the da'ees to benefit from his wisdom and his understanding." - Steeve Brador, London

More Testimonials (including videos): << Click Here To Register

Muslim Education & Outreach Cambridge (MEOC)
Tel: 07736 779448 / 01223 655223 Email:

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Fiqh of Love - Marriage & Family in Islam

For the first time in Birmingham (and worldwide live online) .... An amazing seminar on love, marriage and family in Islam by one of the foremost scholars and thinkers of the Western world today.

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”
- Qur’an

"They are Your Garments and You are Their Garments" - Qur'an

"Marriage is Half of Your Religion..."
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“Marriage is my Sunnah. He who shuns my Sunnah is not of me” - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Marriage & Family in Islam

Guidance for Healthy Partnership & Happy Family 

By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)

Venue: Muath Trust, Bordesley Centre, Birmingham

Date: Saturday 13th April 2013  Time: 9:30AM - 6:00PM


Early Bird Discount: 40% Student Discount and 20% General Discount

Topics covered include: • Understanding the aims and benefits of marriage
• How to find a suitable partner?
• How to get married?
• The marriage contract
• The marriage ceremony
• What is love and how to develop it?
• Rights and responsibilities of spouses
• Resolving differences and disputes
• Managing expectations
• Relations with extended family
• Caring for each other
• Caring for children
• The best examples to follow
• What if things don’t work out?
• Question & Answers


"Jazak'Allah khair for a fabulous seminar. I truly enjoyed it and it was very much worth the trek from London to Cambridge" - Antti Kangaslahti, London

"The Fiqh of Love was the most amazing Islamic seminar I have ever attended. I have told all my friends and family about Sheikh Nadwi and his inspiring talk. All in all, I want to say that everything was brilliant. The food arrangements, prayer arrangements, book stall...everything. Thank you so much for making it a possibility" - Anosha Saleem, LLM Student, Cambridge University

"The sheikh explained with such elegant simplicity the duties and rights of wife and husband, and even of children. The fact that he stressed the Islamic responsibilities helped cast away many of the cultural shackles that often imprison Muslims in less than pleasant marriages. If everyone took this course before they got married, they would truly appreciate their spouses all the greater, and they would be better Muslims for doing so, raising stronger families. This would then reflect itself in the state of our Ummah. I also enjoyed the wisdom with which he regarded divorce. A solution provided by Allah, so that no one becomes an oppressor....MashaAllah, beautiful!" - Sarah Elgazzar, Cambridge

"The course was simply amazing, it was a lot of information to take in but was definitely worthwhile. As for Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi, words cannot serve justice for explaining how humble yet knowledgeable he is. Alhamdulillah I went with my whole family and intend to attend all of his future courses InshaAllah" - Rahee Ahmed, Law Student, Kent University

"The sincerity and piety of sheikh Akram Nadawi was a great source of inspiration for me. His great knowledge was beautifully expressed masha' Allah in a very simple way that touches everyone in the audience regardless of their marital status. I came along with a friend who is a new Muslim not intending to attend all sessions, but we ended up there all day. The emphasis on the importance of the family, how simple are Islamic rules, the distinction between our cultural heritage and the true message of Islam and his openness to answer all audience questions, in my opinion were the reasons behind the great success of the session yesterday. It was a great honour for me to attend yesterday's session and I thank Allah for giving me the unique chance to attend a session by a great a scholar to guide me through out my marriage-life." - Mona ElQazzaz, PhD Student, Cambridge University

This is an unmissable seminar for those married and those yet to get married - both old and young (including teenagers). Limited places available. Book your place today.

Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars - Birmingham
Muslim Education & Outreach Cambridge (MEOC)

Friday 5 April 2013

Join 200+ Blessed People this Weekend in London (+ Live Online)

The Most Comprehensive Islamic Seminar

Join 200+ blessed students and the Shaykh in one of the most comprehensive Islamic seminars that you could attend in your life, inshaAllah. The Forty Hadith of Imam an-Nawawi is a blessed collection. The wisdom of the Imam is displayed in his choice of Hadith that covers every aspect of the Religion, from the rights of Allah to the rights of the creation; from the inner dimensions of worship to the outer dimensions; from the obligations to the supererogatory; from the world of the unseen to the physical world; from the sunnah to the bid'ah; from the purification of the heart to the purification of the body; from the love of humanity to the hatred of vice; from taqwa of Allah (God-conciousness) to good manners to humankind; from the intentions to the actions; from charity to brotherhood; from attaining goodness in this world to attaining goodness in the Hereafter.

"Everyone who desires and looks forward to the Hereafter must be familiar with these hadith because they cover the most important aspects of the religion and offer direction to all forms of obedience of Allaah. This is clear to anyone who ponders these hadith. I rely only upon Allaah and I entrust my affair only to Him. To Him is all Praise and Grace, from Him is Guidance and protection from error." - Imam An-Nawawi

This is the last opportunity to join this blessed seminar (still with a 20% online discount)....

Written Testimonials   Video Testimonials

Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars LONDON Presents
Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi with Ijazah
A unique opportunity to study this essential hadith collection with an extraordinary muhaddith and teacher of our time with Ijazah linking to The Prophet (SAW)

London Special Weekend Seminar with Live Worldwide Online Access

Teacher: Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)

Date: Saturday and Sunday 6-7 April 2013   Time: 9:30AM - 7:00PM

Venue: Edmonton Islamic Centre, London + Live Online Web Access


Features: Onsite accommodation for both brothers and sisters (if required) , crèche facilities, free whole-day parking and refreshments.

The Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi is a classical and timeless collection of the most important traditions of the Prophet (SAW) giving the essence of Eeman and Islam. It has always been considered an essential text for every student of knowledge as the understanding of these ahadith is fundamental to the belief and practice of a Muslim. This special weekend seminar on the Forty Hadith provides a unique and unmissable opportunity to study this important collection in the ideal, traditional way - with the guidance of an extraordinary teacher, true scholar and Muhaddith (an expert of Hadith) of our time, who has devoted many years to the study and research of hadith. Every student will receive a signed certificate and Ijazah from Shaykh Akram for the Forty Hadith and hadith musalsal bil-awwaliyyah linking them to the Prophet (SAW).

Bonus Sessions: Brothers and sisters who stay the night will also benefit from the extended company of Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi and hear some special advice on how to manage our time and balance our lives successfully between learning & implementing beneficial knowledge and meeting our other day-to-day needs.

Previous Posts
Hadith, Doubt and Orientalism - What is the Reality?
Be in the Company of the Prophet (SAW) this Weekend...
Learn The Forty Hadith Nawawi The Traditional Way With A Muhaddith and Gain Ijazah
Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi with Ijazah - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi - London & Online

Thursday 4 April 2013

Hadith, Doubt and Orientalism - What is the Reality?

Doubt has been cast upon the corpus of Hadith by many orientalists as well as some (modernist) Muslims. It is not uncommon to hear that "the Hadith were only written down over 300 years after the death of the Prophet (SAW) so they are not reliable". Unfortunately, many well-intentioned Muslims also fall into this type of thinking because they have no real idea or understanding of the history of Hadith and the sophisticated methods of verifying and preserving Hadith - both in text and in meaning. The science of Hadith is truly one of the most advanced and highly developed sciences in the history of mankind. Yet many of us are confused because we are unaware of this science and we do not understand the technicalities of the subject.

"There is a reason why, when you read a very technical text, you don’t understand it. Even if most of the words used are words you are familiar with, even if the words are arranged in ways that are familiar to you, there are enough technical words in the text to make the matter of it incomprehensible. Those specialised, technical words do not connect with anything, they do not refer to anything, known to you in your world.If this technical text happens to be an instruction about what to do, or if it is an explanation of how something works so that you can use that thing properly, then somebody will have to explain any technical terms in the text. After that, there is a chance that you may follow the instruction correctly, or make the thing work properly. But if you have a teacher who both speaks and gives you a practical demonstration, the chance is much stronger that you will get the matter right" - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (From the Introduction to the Forty Hadith)

There is no doubt that the main reason why people cast doubt upon the Hadith is because they have learnt or heard things from improper sources. Even if one does not actually doubt the Hadith, they may have found themselves in situations where they could not defend the Hadith when it has been attacked. There are also situations where people may think some Hadith to be irrational when they are not. All these situations arise from a lack of correct understanding on the subject.

The seminar coming up this weekend is on the Forty Hadith of Imam an Nawawi. In addition to going through the fascinating details of the meaning and explanation of the entire collection of 42 Hadith, Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi, a Muhaddith of the highest calibre, will also be demonstrating the reality of misinformation and misunderstanding of Hadith in a practical way through selected examples from the Forty Hadith.

A unique and priceless opportunity to learn straight from a Muhaddith some of the most important Hadith of the Prophet (SAW), and to also gain a clear understanding of the amazing science behind the collection, preservation and study of Hadith.  Only one day to go for this spiritually uplifting and intellectually liberating weekend seminar - please sign up immediately.

Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars LONDON Presents
Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi with Ijazah
A unique opportunity to study this essential hadith collection with an extraordinary muhaddith and teacher of our time with Ijazah linking to The Prophet (SAW)

London Special Weekend Seminar with Live Worldwide Online Access

Teacher: Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)

Date: Saturday and Sunday 6-7 April 2013   Time: 9:30AM - 7:00PM

Venue: Edmonton Islamic Centre, London + Live Online Web Access


Features: Onsite accommodation for both brothers and sisters (if required) , crèche facilities, free whole-day parking and refreshments.

The Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi is a classical and timeless collection of the most important traditions of the Prophet (SAW) giving the essence of Eeman and Islam. It has always been considered an essential text for every student of knowledge as the understanding of these ahadith is fundamental to the belief and practice of a Muslim. This special weekend seminar on the Forty Hadith provides a unique and unmissable opportunity to study this important collection in the ideal, traditional way - with the guidance of an extraordinary teacher, true scholar and Muhaddith (an expert of Hadith) of our time, who has devoted many years to the study and research of hadith. Every student will receive a signed certificate and Ijazah from Shaykh Akram for the Forty Hadith and hadith musalsal bil-awwaliyyah linking them to the Prophet (SAW).

Bonus Sessions: Brothers and sisters who stay the night will also benefit from the extended company of Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi and hear some special advice on how to manage our time and balance our lives successfully between learning & implementing beneficial knowledge and meeting our other day-to-day needs.

Previous Posts

Be in the Company of the Prophet (SAW) this Weekend...
Learn The Forty Hadith Nawawi The Traditional Way With A Muhaddith and Gain Ijazah
Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi with Ijazah - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi - London & Online

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Be in the Company of the Prophet (SAW) this Weekend...

"In a famous hadith –the Companion Hanzalah says to God’s Messenger words to the effect: “When I am in your company, the hereafter is vivid to me as if I were seeing it. But then I return to my wife and children, and it fades away.” The Prophet does not criticise Hanzala for this weakness of attention. Rather, he says, this loss of intensity is normal. He says “There is a time for this, and there is a time for this”. This hadith is a reminder of another important dimension and major benefit of hadith study: reading and reflecting upon the hadith, alone or in small groups, helps us to imagine being in the company of the Prophet, of hearing his speech, of being in the presence of someone who has full certainty of God and the hereafter. Partly for the reason that Hanzala gives – other preoccupations, distractions -- most people are not able to read hadith all the time. Most of us are not scholars of hadith. But our need for hadith is not the less for that. To make it easier for people to benefit from hadith, a convention became established among Muslim scholars of compiling short selections from the hadith. There are many kinds of such selections; one of the most popular kinds is the Forty Hadith, of which the most famous among Muslims is Imam Nawawi’s Forty Hadith." - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (From the Introduction to the Forty Hadith Seminar)

Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars LONDON Presents
Forty Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi with Ijazah
A unique opportunity to study this essential hadith collection with an extraordinary muhaddith and teacher of our time with Ijazah linking to The Prophet (SAW)

London Special Weekend Seminar with Live Worldwide Online Access

Teacher: Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)

Date: Saturday and Sunday 6-7 April 2013   Time: 9:30AM - 7:00PM

Venue: Edmonton Islamic Centre, London + Live Online Web Access


Features: Onsite accommodation for both brothers and sisters (if required) , crèche facilities, free whole-day parking and refreshments.

The Forty Hadith of Imam Nawawi is a classical and timeless collection of the most important traditions of the Prophet (SAW) giving the essence of Eeman and Islam. It has always been considered an essential text for every student of knowledge as the understanding of these ahadith is fundamental to the belief and practice of a Muslim. This special weekend seminar on the Forty Hadith provides a unique and unmissable opportunity to study this important collection in the ideal, traditional way - with the guidance of an extraordinary teacher, true scholar and Muhaddith (an expert of Hadith) of our time, who has devoted many years to the study and research of hadith. Every student will receive a signed certificate and Ijazah from Shaykh Akram for the Forty Hadith and hadith musalsal bil-awwaliyyah linking them to the Prophet (SAW).

Bonus Sessions: Brothers and sisters who stay the night will also benefit from the extended company of Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi and hear some special advice on how to manage our time and balance our lives successfully between learning & implementing beneficial knowledge and meeting our other day-to-day needs.