MEOC - Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars London Presents
Classical Islamic Texts Series - Principles of Hadith
Nukhbat al-Fikar fi Mustalaha Ahl-Athar
Chosen Thoughts on The Nomenclature of Hadith Specialists (Introduction to Principles of Hadith) of Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (773-852 AH)
Weekend Ijaza Seminar in London & Online Worldwide with Detailed Explanation by Muhaddith Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)
Nukhbat al-Fikar fi Mustalaha Ahl-Athar
Chosen Thoughts on The Nomenclature of Hadith Specialists (Introduction to Principles of Hadith) of Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (773-852 AH)
Weekend Ijaza Seminar in London & Online Worldwide with Detailed Explanation by Muhaddith Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)
Includes Ijaza For The Text & Hadith Musalsal Bil-Awwaliyyah
Date: Weekend 11-12 January 2014 | Time: 9.30AM - 6.00PM
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Online: Worldwide - Live & Recorded Access
Usul al-Hadith (principles of hadith) is a highly developed discipline in Islam. It deals with the methodology of source criticism of hadith. Many works dealing with this science have been produced since the early period of Islam. Nuzhat al-Nazar Sharh Nukhbat al Fikar by Hafiz Ahmad ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani, the 9th/15th century hadith master, is a very famous text in this field. It is prescribed in the curriculum of every madrasah and hadith centre. This seminar will cover the study of Ibn Hajar’s book with detailed commentary and practical examples from famous collections. Every student will receive a signed certificate and Ijazah from Shaykh Akram for Nukhbat al Fikar and hadith musalsal bil-awwaliyyah linking them to the Prophet (SAW).
Special Offer: Early Bird Discount, Student & Group Tickets
30% Discount - Ends 25/12/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD01]
20% Discount - Ends 01/01/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD02]
10% Discount - Ends 08/01/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD03]
Usul al-Hadith (principles of hadith) is a highly developed discipline in Islam. It deals with the methodology of source criticism of hadith. Many works dealing with this science have been produced since the early period of Islam. Nuzhat al-Nazar Sharh Nukhbat al Fikar by Hafiz Ahmad ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani, the 9th/15th century hadith master, is a very famous text in this field. It is prescribed in the curriculum of every madrasah and hadith centre. This seminar will cover the study of Ibn Hajar’s book with detailed commentary and practical examples from famous collections. Every student will receive a signed certificate and Ijazah from Shaykh Akram for Nukhbat al Fikar and hadith musalsal bil-awwaliyyah linking them to the Prophet (SAW).
Special Offer: Early Bird Discount, Student & Group Tickets
30% Discount - Ends 25/12/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD01]
20% Discount - Ends 01/01/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD02]
10% Discount - Ends 08/01/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD03]
www.CambridgeIslamicSciences. com << Click Here To Register

"How magnificent to have spent a weekend in the company of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and his companions, reading and studying their ahadeeth. I feel as though I was transported to their times and have returned with renewed strength and resolve to continue the work we need to do in the ‘Daar ud-Da’wah’ we live in. I am sitting here with Ijaazah in hand feeling honoured that Allah allowed me to be a student of Sheikh Akram Nadwi and through him find some connection with some of the great scholars of our past. From his poignant scholarly anecdotes, to his emphatic exhortations, punctuated with Urdu and Persian poetry; studying with the Sheikh is a truly enriching experience. I’m actually learning a lot from him both about rectifying myself and the most important focal points for that and rectifying some of the causes of the downfall of our Ummah today. Without resorting to alienating any particular group or school of thought, the Sheikh is not afraid to hold a mirror up to what needs changing in our communities and in our times. I liked the balance of holistic spiritual principles and finer technical details Sheikh also discussed and his lessons are suitable for serious students of knowledge and people who are in the early stages of their journey. I look forward to future courses. I found the crèche facility to be very useful. I would have found it very difficult to attend without it. The venue was great and respected the privacy of brothers and sisters. May Allah make knowledge a proof for us and not against us. Ameen." - Fatima Barkatullah, London
"Of all the scholars I have had the opportunity to study with, I have found Shaikh Akram Nadwi to be the closest, in knowledge, manners and teaching, to how I would imagine some of the great Hadith scholars of the past would have been. He has a vast knowledge of Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh, a down-to-earth, humble, approachable style, and great teaching ability. His classes are not just beneficial from a learning perspective, but also to marvel at the awe-inspiring wealth of knowledge of our scholars masha Allah. His 57 volume work going through the biographies of some 8,500 women scholars of Hadith is a monumental endeavour. The mere fact of its existence can be a major talking point in discussion with Muslims and non-Muslims, and is almost a stand-alone proof of Islam's unparalleled wealth of female scholarship." - Dr Omar Mahroo, Cambridge
www.CambridgeIslamicSciences. com << Click Here To Register