"The modern economy which dominates our lives promises– through gadgets, machines and advanced techniques of management of human labour–to deliver lots of surplus wealth and surplus time, so that people can enrich, relax and enjoy themselves. The reality, as we all know in our everyday lives, is far removed from that. The vast majority of people struggle to pay their bills, which are large and many; many carry huge, permanent debts; they are stressed going to and from work, and stressed in work. They hardly find time and energy to build proper relationships with other persons, even in their own family. The modern economy also produces massive quantities of information and amusements so that, in the evenings and at weekends, exhausted individuals collapse, sometimes literally, in front of a television or other such gadget. In this way, they have the illusion of resting and relaxing. In fact, they are just switched off from themselves – they are suffering the consequences of extreme stress to their system but are just not aware of the fact."
"God says He created human beings and that He honoured them above all other of His creatures. He willed for us to live contemplatively as well as actively; to reflect on who we are and how we are, on what we do and how we do it. He willed for us to strive for understanding of the purpose of our being alive, and to be aware of Him and to respect His gift of life and freedom of will by serving one another and serving Him. Very little of that is possible in the modern economic system because it rejects the habits of contemplation that are only nurtured through religious consciousness and religious exercise. As I will explain to you in some detail, from the teaching and practice of the Prophet, salla-llahu `alayhiwa-sallam, and the good counsel and good example of our pious ancestors, the cure for stress lies in stepping back from the demands and pressures of worldly routines into the relief and quiet of prayer, both salah and du`a. This relief allows our system to recuperate, to refresh and reset itself. If we do the prayer properly – by careful attention to personal cleanliness, gentleness in gesture and movement, by measured speech, by a gracious and respectful attitude to the place of prayer, and to others who may be present -– if we do the prayer properly, it settles beauty and grace in our bodies and our behaviour, and in our hearts it settles a deep silence. That silence is the echo of God’s mercy, His rahmah. All together, that beauty and grace and silence, give us the strength we need to cope with the stresses of worldly life. " - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (from the notes to the Stress and Anger Management Seminar)
Islamic Psychology Series
Stress & Anger Management
Islamic & Medical Perspectives
By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford) and
Special Guest: Dr Muhammad Zeyn Green-Thompson (Consultant Psychiatrist, Cambridge)
Date: Sunday 18 August 2013 Time: 10.00AM - 6.00PM
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
This seminar is suitable for both individuals and families. Crèche facilities available for younger children. Whole-day free parking provided. Venue is less than 5-minutes walk from Mile End Tube Station.
Investment: Standard Ticket: £35 | Group Ticket: £25 | Live/Recorded Online Ticket: £45
www.IslamicPsychology.org.uk <<< Click Here To Register
"God says He created human beings and that He honoured them above all other of His creatures. He willed for us to live contemplatively as well as actively; to reflect on who we are and how we are, on what we do and how we do it. He willed for us to strive for understanding of the purpose of our being alive, and to be aware of Him and to respect His gift of life and freedom of will by serving one another and serving Him. Very little of that is possible in the modern economic system because it rejects the habits of contemplation that are only nurtured through religious consciousness and religious exercise. As I will explain to you in some detail, from the teaching and practice of the Prophet, salla-llahu `alayhiwa-sallam, and the good counsel and good example of our pious ancestors, the cure for stress lies in stepping back from the demands and pressures of worldly routines into the relief and quiet of prayer, both salah and du`a. This relief allows our system to recuperate, to refresh and reset itself. If we do the prayer properly – by careful attention to personal cleanliness, gentleness in gesture and movement, by measured speech, by a gracious and respectful attitude to the place of prayer, and to others who may be present -– if we do the prayer properly, it settles beauty and grace in our bodies and our behaviour, and in our hearts it settles a deep silence. That silence is the echo of God’s mercy, His rahmah. All together, that beauty and grace and silence, give us the strength we need to cope with the stresses of worldly life. " - Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (from the notes to the Stress and Anger Management Seminar)
Islamic Psychology Series
Stress & Anger Management
Islamic & Medical Perspectives
By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford) and
Special Guest: Dr Muhammad Zeyn Green-Thompson (Consultant Psychiatrist, Cambridge)
Date: Sunday 18 August 2013 Time: 10.00AM - 6.00PM
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
This seminar is suitable for both individuals and families. Crèche facilities available for younger children. Whole-day free parking provided. Venue is less than 5-minutes walk from Mile End Tube Station.
Investment: Standard Ticket: £35 | Group Ticket: £25 | Live/Recorded Online Ticket: £45
www.IslamicPsychology.org.uk <<< Click Here To Register

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