The above quote may come as a surprise to some. But a careful study of the Qur'an indicates that Musa (AS) was responsible for building the Millah of Ibrahim (AS) to the form that we have today. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) came only to complete it. He (SAW) said:
"I am no new thing among the messengers (of Allah)..." [Qur'an 46:9]
"My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example: A man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing. People looked around the building and marvelled at its beauty, but wondered why a brick was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and I am the last in the line of the Prophets" [Sahih al-Bukhari]
Therefore ones understanding and practice of Islam cannot be complete without a deeper knowledge of the previous Prophets and Messengers - especially Ibrahim (AS) and Musa (AS). Many Muslims think that the previous Prophets are for earlier nations and that they have nothing to do with us. However the reality is that they are a part of the development of the Millah and their stories are an essential part of our Religion. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself was asked to follow and take lessons from the previous Prophets by Allah (SWT).What is essential for us from the previous Prophets is given to us in the Qur'an. Therefore Musa (AS) takes a central part in our Religion as his story is repeated in the Qur'an in many different ways, more than any other story. Here is the opportunity to have an in-depth understanding of how Musa (AS) built Islam, with deep reflections and scholarly insights from Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi.
Story of Musa (AS) in The Qur'an
By Shaykh Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi
When: Saturday 24th March 2012 Time: 10AM - 6PM
Venue: Lady Mitchell Hall, Cambridge University
Advance/On-line Tickets: From £18 onwards
(prices may go up on 10th March 2012)
Facilities: Free parking, Crèche/Childcare, book stalls, food stalls, free 2-nights stay at the mosque
Register on-line to book your place now and save 50% or more on standard ticket price.

"Alhamdulillah I've attended 3 seminars of Sheikh Akram's so far, and Insha Allah I will keep coming back for more! He was introduced to me by my brother who attends his study circles regularly in Oxford. I loved the seminar on Women scholars in Islam, it was a total eye opener into what a Muslim woman's role in society is, which surprisingly (or not) goes against many cultiural and conventionally held notions of Muslim women. My other favourite one was the tafseer of Surat al Fatiha and the last ten surahs, I will not be exaggerating when I say that I truly found it mind blowing. Sheikh Akram is an absolute treasure trove of knowledge but Masha Allah he always carries himself with the utmost humility. I have already had a look at the list of future seminars and I think MEOC is doing a great job in giving the layman an opportunity to have an exciting insight into the world of Muslim scholarship with its choice of highly intellectual topics. Last but not least, its a great opportunity to meet new people of diverse backgrounds. Well done all of you and may Allah reward you for your efforts." - Dr Fathima Shyma Fazal, Boston, Lincolnshire
"Jazakumullah khair for the efforts of the MEOC for arranging these blessed gatherings of knowledge. The seminars I've attended so far have several elements that make them very special, starting from the choice of topics themselves which cater to the more profound needs of the people rather than addressing some superficial issues that seem to be more fashionable today. Even the content of the seminars and the manner of teaching by Shaikh Akram Nadwi are directly focussed towards developing a deeper understanding of these issues. In these seminars, one gets a glimpse of the years of learning that have gone into the brilliant scholarship of Shaikh Nadwi. Furthermore his knowledge seems to be blessed by an acute understanding of the needs of the Ummah. The seminar on the 'Legacy of Ibrahim (a.s.)' was exceptionally beautiful, wherein, the Shaikh in his own words confessed that he was attempting to transmit, not knowledge, but the state of his heart, to the others present. While the knowledge and the insight that one gains into the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the history of Muslims through these seminars is invaluable, I personally feel that these sessions are more than just one-day courses. I am inclined to call them gatherings of Remembrance of Allah, and we all know the blessings of such gatherings!" - Mohini Verma, PhD Student, Cambridge University
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