Empowering New History of Muslims - Uncovered
This is no ordinary discovery. It is set to rewrite the history of Muslims and humankind for ever. Never in the history of the world did the women experience such empowerment, freedom, dignity and respect as was in the Islamic history. However this part of the history of Muslims has been long forgotten and largely unexplored. But not any more. Oxford based researcher and scholar Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi has uncovered a large body of evidence to show that for a greater part of the Islamic history Muslim women were an integral part of Islamic scholarship and were deeply involved in the formation of the Sharia'h from the time of Prophet Muhammad until as recently as 200 years ago.
Women were respected as scholars, jurists and teachers in addition to their dignity as mothers, wives and daughters. Many were successful entrepreneurs too. His ground-breaking research spanning over 8 years has so far uncovered biographies of over 8000 female scholars dating back to the time of the Prophet.
These women-scholars wielded positive influence upon the general public, the ruling class and the male scholars of their time. Many were the teachers and mentors of the famous male scholars whose names we hear about so often today. Unfortunately not many people (including Muslims) know about this.
Now this your opportunity to discover this yourself with a
historic and rare one-day seminar with Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi himself. In addition to the historic accounts, the seminar will focus on bringing back this lost tradition back to life. This is the
first and the only time for the moment he is doing a full day seminar of this kind.
So this may be your only opportunity take part in such an important life- and history-changing seminar.
If you are quick to register you may still find up to half price or even less tickets (buy-one-get-one-free, group tickets) for this priceless event. Or have a free signed copy of his book "The Women Scholars of Islam" (worth £16) with the entry ticket. It is this Saturday so be quick!
History of Female Scholarship in Islam and The Role of Muslim Women in The Society
Date: Saturday 30 April 2011
Time: 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Venue: Cambridge University - Lady Mitchell Hall (Free all day parking provided)
Facilities: Crèche/Childcare, Free 2 nights accommodation for travellers (at the mosque)
>>>>> Click Here To Book Now <<<<<
Please invite your non-Muslim friends. They will receive FREE GUEST TICKETS. If any Muslim finds it genuinely difficult to pay the full or special offer seminar fees they may apply for a scholarship. We have a very limited number of scholarships.
"This is a rare, empowering and historic seminar that no Muslim (or even non-Muslim) male or female can afford to miss"
In case you are still not convinced that you should attend this seminar please read the testimonials about the seminars of Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi and reviews of his work on the New York Times and London Times. This is real stuff by a real scholar, not the mumbo-jumbo of the self-styled "progressives" or "reformers".
“Here you’ve got a guy who’s coming from the tradition, who knows the stuff and who’s able to give us that level of detail which is missing in the self-proclaimed progressive Muslim writers" - James Piscatori, Professor of Islamic Studies, Oxford University
"Of all the scholars I have had the opportunity to study with, I have found Shaikh Akram Nadwi to be the closest, in knowledge, manners and teaching, to how I would imagine some of the great Hadith scholars of the past would have been. He has a vast knowledge of Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh a down-to-earth, humble, approachable style, and great teaching ability. His classes are not just beneficial from a learning perspective, but also to marvel at the awe-inspiring wealth of knowledge of our scholars masha Allah. His 57 volume work going through the biographies of some 8,000 women scholars of Hadith is a monumental endeavour. The mere fact of its existence can be a major talking point in discussion with Muslims and non-Muslims, and is almost a stand-alone proof of Islam's unparalleled wealth of female scholarship." - Dr Omar Mahroo, London
"I have been fortunate enough to attend some of the classes given by Shaykh Mohammed Akram Nadwi in Oxford, Cambridge and London, and I would certainly recommend them to anyone seeking to increase their understanding of the sciences of Islam. Masha'Allah, Shaykh Akram's knowledge is both broad and deep, his training is traditional, his presentation is lively and relevant to our lives today, and one feels that his intention is truly to raise the level of every Muslim. His work on the women scholars of Islam is timely and inspirational, revealing the little-known fact that many thousands of women scholars were involved in developing and maintaining the tradition of scholarship in Islam. This was the case right from the earliest community in Madina until only about 200 years ago. Shaykh Akram makes sure that his knowledge is accessible to all seekers, regardless of gender, in the most correct and generous way, and his courses thus contribute to restoring a balance and harmony. May Allah bless him and preserve him. The courses planned for Cambridge are an opportunity not to be missed!" - Aziza Spiker, Cambridge
More Testimonials: http://courses.meoc.org.uk/p/testimonials.html
The Times: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article1652134.ece
New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/25/magazine/25wwlnEssay.t.html (Generally a good article but there is some spin in it especially about Umm Darda praying shoulder-to-shoulder with men. It was supposed to be when she was still very young)
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