The quote is from the The Times of London article by Carla Power (extracted below):
Women’s Hidden Role Writing Islam’s Rules
A Muslim scholar is rewriting history by revealing the extent of women’s influence on the formation of Sharia
Mohammed Akram Nadwi is an unlikely champion for a Muslim gender-quake. Soft-spo-ken and shy, he is a graduate of madrassas in his native India, and an unabashed religious conservative. But the current work of this Oxford-based alim, or religious scholar, could shatter the stock notions of Muslim women’s roles, both in society and Islamic scholarship. Hunting through classical texts, Akram, 43, a researcher at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, has uncovered a tradition of female Muslim scholars dating back to the 7th century.
[Full article at:
The story is about the monumental work of Shaykh Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi on the female scholars of Islam and how they shaped the Islamic history. His ground-breaking research has so far uncovered biographies of over 8000 female scholar from the time of the Prophet until this century. Taking this forward, Muslim Education & Outreach Cambridge is conducting an amazing first-of-its-kind one-day seminar with Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi on The History of Female Scholarship and The Role of Muslim Women in The Society. The seminar would examine the rich but often neglected legacy of female scholarship in Islam and will highlight the important role they played in shaping history. The seminar will also touch upon how practical lessons can be derived from this history for the modern society.
"This is a rare, empowering and historic seminar that no Muslim (or even non-Muslim) male or female can afford to miss"
History of Female Scholarship in Islam and The Role of Muslim Women in The Society
Date: Saturday 30 April 2011 Time: 9:30AM - 6:00PM
Venue: Cambridge University - Lady Mitchell Hall
Special Offer: Buy One Get One Ticket Free
"Of all the scholars I have had the opportunity to study with, I have found Shaikh Akram Nadwi to be the closest, in knowledge, manners and teaching, to how I would imagine some of the great Hadith scholars of the past would have been. He has a vast knowledge of Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh, a down-to-earth, humble, approachable style, and great teaching ability. His classes are not just beneficial from a learning perspective, but also to marvel at the awe-inspiring wealth of knowledge of our scholars masha Allah. His 57 volume work going through the biographies of some 8,000 women scholars of Hadith is a monumental endeavour. The mere fact of its existence can be a major talking point in discussion with Muslims and non-Muslims, and is almost a stand-alone proof of Islam's unparalleled wealth of female scholarship." - Dr Omar Mahroo, Cambridge

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