“Our traditions have grown weak, and when people are weak, they grow cautious. When they’re cautious, they don’t give their women freedoms.” - Mohammed Akram Nadwi
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/ article1652134.ece
"God has given girls qualities and potential. If they aren’t allowed to develop them, if they aren’t provided with opportunities to study and learn, it’s basically a live burial." - Mohammed Akram Nadwi
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/25/magazine/25wwlnEssay.t. html (Generally a good article but there is some spin in it especially about Umm Darda praying shoulder-to-shoulder with men. It was supposed to be when she was still very young)
As a reaction to this there is a tendency among certain segments of the Muslim society to totally reject the Muslim traditions and wholeheartedly embrace ideas and values espoused by "women's liberation" and feminist movements.
So what is the alternative?
Shaykh Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi is presenting a historic and rare seminar on this very same subject. The seminar looks at the role of Muslim women in the society throughout the Islamic history from the time of the Prophet Muhammad until the present century, comparing and contrasting how and why things changed with time. It is based on his ground-breaking research in to the often neglected history of female scholar of Islam and the role of Muslim women in the society.
History of Female Scholarship in Islam and The Role of Muslim Women in The Society
Date: Saturday 30 April 2011 Time: 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Venue: Cambridge University
Special Offer: Buy One Get One Ticket Free (Few more special tickets left!)
"This is a rare, empowering and historic seminar that no Muslim (or even non-Muslim) male or female can afford to miss"
>>>>> Click Here To Book Now <<<<<
"Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi is a great asset to the Muslims in the UK and his 57 volume work on al-Muhaddithaat (The Women Scholars of Islam) is no doubt going to be a lasting legacy of this great man. I had the blessed opportunity of spending a day with him recently; he is one of those few individuals who in a short period of time can change your entire thinking. May Allah bless the brothers and sisters in Cambridge and those in Oxford who organise and help the Shaykh in his works." - Nasar Ishfaq, Manchester
More Testimonials: http://courses.meoc.org.uk/p/

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