Thursday 18 October 2012

The Qur’anic Seerah of The Prophet - A Unique Approach - This Saturday

When we think about the Seerah or the biography of the Prophet (SAW), we first bring to mind the famous books of seerah written by classical as well as contemporary scholars and writers. No doubt that some of these are great works but we sometimes become so engrossed in the details that we fail to appreciate the greater message and benefit of the seerah. This happens because we lose sight of the basis or backbone for the life of the Prophet (SAW) which anchors all the details of his seerah. What the Qur'an provides us is the backbone and the most important aspects of the life of the Prophet (SAW) by which the details can be understood. The heart of the seerah is seen through the Qur'an where Allah (SWT) gives us knowledge of inner aspects of the life of the Prophet (SAW) which are known only to Him (SWT), such as the feelings and thoughts of the Prophet (SAW).  

<< And surely you are indeed of a magnificent character >> [Surah Al-Qalam 68:4]

Allah (SWT) mentions that the Prophet (SAW) is on an exalted standard of character. This is one of the pillars of his life. It is manifested not only in his speech and action but also in his thinking. What is more amazing is that he maintained this in all circumstance including when dealing with the enemy or when he was upset. Knowing this sheds a totally different light when studying the details of the seerah.

<< We sent you [Prophet] only as a mercy to all people >> [Surah Al-Anbiyah 21:107]

Similarly Allah (SWT) mentions that the Prophet (SAW) is a mercy to each and every human being on the face of the earth as well as other creatures. Again this is manifested in every aspect of his life. Unfortunately those who make fun of the Prophet (SAW) have not realised that he is a mercy to them personally.

All that is mentioned about the Prophet (SAW) in the Qur'an are the most important aspects of his life a Muslim (and also non-Muslim) must know. Therefore the most important book for the study of seerah is the Qur'an. Surahs such as Al-Qalam, Al-Muzzammil and Al-Muddaththir (all in Juzz Tabarak) are particularly relevant in this matter.

After the completion of Surah Al-Mulk last month, this Saturday will be focusing on Surah Al-Qalam. The structure of Surah Al-Qalam is such that the beginning and the end of the Surah are about the Prophet (SAW) while the middle is about the response of the people and its consequences. The subtleties and the connection between the different parts of the Surah will be explored during the seminar. No doubt at the end, you will come out with an amazing understanding and love for the Prophet (SAW) as well as a deep understanding of this Surah in particular and the Qur'an in general, InshaAllah.

The Magnificent Journey 

An Amazing Journey Through The Last Two Parts (Juzz Tabaarak and Juzz 'Amma) of the Qur'an, From Surah Al-Mulk to Surah An-Naas, by one of the foremost Islamic Scholars and Thinkers of the Western World today

Surah Al-Qalam...

By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford University)

Saturday 20th October 2012     Time: 10AM - 6PM

Venue: Cambridge University and Online

  1. Sunday 23rd September 2012 - Anglia Ruskin University
    67. Surah Al-Mulk - Completed
  2. Saturday 20th October 2012 - Cambridge University
    68. Surah Al-Qalam  [69. Surah Al-Haaqqah to 70. Surah Al-Ma'aarij]
  3. Saturday 17th November 2012 - Cambridge University
    71. Surah Nuh to 72. Surah Al-Jinn
  4. Saturday 22nd December 2012 - Cambridge University
    73. Surah Al-Muzammil to 75. Surah Al-Qiyaamah
  5. Saturday 26th January 2013 - Cambridge University
    76. Surah Al-Insaan to 77. Surah Al-Mursalaat
  6. Saturday 23rd February 2013 - Cambridge University
    78. Surah An-Naba' to 80. Surah 'Abasa
  7. Saturday 23rd March 2013 - Cambridge University
    81. Surah Ath-Thakweer to 84. Surah Al-Inshiqaaq
  8. Saturday 20th April 2013 - Cambridge University
    85. Surah Al-Buruj to 89. Surah Al-Fajr
  9. Saturday 18th May 2013 - Cambridge University
    90. Surah Al-Balad to 96. Surah Al-'Alaq
  10. Saturday 22nd June 2013 - Cambridge University
    97. Surah Al-Qadr to 114. Surah An-Naas
  11. Sunday 21st July 2013 - Anglia Ruskin University
    Bonus: 1. Surah Al-Fathiha and 2:255 Aayat Al-Kursi
  12. Sunday 25th August 2013 - Anglia Ruskin University
    Bonus: Miracle of The Qur'an
There will be a minimum of 12 sessions in this monthly journey. They can be booked individually or as a whole.   <<<<<< Click Here To Register


Individual Sessions:
Advance Tickets: Adults £25, Dual Ticket £20, Student £20, Children £12.50, Half-Day £15
Live Online Web Access £49.50
Crèche Facilities - £15 per child for whole day.

Annual Pass:
Magnificent Journey Attendance Pass
- £147 (less than £13 per session)
Magnificent Journey Online Pass - £297 (less than £25 per session)

Features of the Magnificent Journey Pass:
  • Attending just 5 or 6 sessions covers the cost of the pass.
  • Accompanying children can attend for free (usually £12.50).
  • Reduced price for crèche facilities at only £10 (usually £15).
  • Payment in 2 or 3 instalments if required
  • Guaranteed places
Limited number of passes available!


"Of all the scholars I have had the opportunity to study with, I have found Shaikh Akram Nadwi to be the closest, in knowledge, manners and teaching, to how I would imagine some of the great Hadith scholars of the past would have been. He has a vast knowledge of Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh, a down-to-earth, humble, approachable style, and great teaching ability. His classes are not just beneficial from a learning perspective, but also to marvel at the awe-inspiring wealth of knowledge of our scholars masha Allah. His 57 volume work going through the biographies of some 8,000 women scholars of Hadith is a monumental endeavour. The mere fact of its existence can be a major talking point in discussion with Muslims and non-Muslims, and is almost a stand-alone proof of Islam's unparalleled wealth of female scholarship." - Dr Omar Mahroo, Cambridge/London

More Testimonials:

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Previous Posts

The Magnificent Journey - Surah Al-Qalam - Defending The Prophet

The Magnificent Journey - Starting in September

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