Friday 9 September 2011

Groundbreaking Seminar Kicks Off Tomorrow (Saturday)

The groundbreaking seminar kicks off tomorrow morning at Cambridge. The list of exciting broad areas that would be covered by Sue Palmer in this information packed yet highly practical hands-on seminar include:

1) What is 'toxic childhood'? (overview)
2) Too much too soon -- the significance of the first seven years
3) The state of play -- the hijacking of children's natural learning drive by commercial forces
4) 21st century literacy -- the clash between old and new technologies.
5) Gender war -- differences in terms of children's developmental trajectory (how far these are a matter of nature/nurture and how much they're now being exaggerated -- in the worst possible ways -- by consumer culture)

In addition to the seminar by Sue Palmer the event features short bonus appearances by:
  • Shaykh Ahmed Babikir (Imam of Islamia School London and Chairman of Ulfa Aid),
  • Shaykh Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi (Islamic Scholar and Research Fellow at Oxford University) - video,
  • Sister Suma Din (Author of Children's and Adult's Books) and
  • Representative of SISTERS Magazine (The Magazine for Fabulous Muslim Women).
The event also features a large book fare and exhibition with a diverse collection of books and multimedia for children and adults.

Please register at:

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