This is a historical event but it has been made timeless for us to re-live that experience every year in the month of Ramadhan and create our own personal revolution within us. The Qur’an is a light for the people of Taqwa (God-consciousness). Fasting has been prescribed in the month of Ramadhan so that people may attain Taqwa. Perhaps that is the reason why we fast during the day and engage with the Qur’an in Night Prayers so that our hearts become ever more deeply longing to receive the light of the Qur’an to create that personal revolution. This is even more intensified with all the other blessings surrounding Ramadhan including the Night of Qadr.
Sadly many people miss out on this because they only have a very shallow understanding of Ramadhan. For them Ramadhan is just another ritual that they want to get over with. If this is your situation then here is your opportunity to change it by acquiring a much deeper understanding of Ramadhan which if practiced would create the inner revolution that would make you wish Ramadhan stayed forever. It is not difficult, sign up today for the unique one-day seminar The Treasures of Ramadhan by Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi coming up just in time for this Ramadhan. This seminar can transform your Ramadhan to heights that you have never seen before and give you the real experience of Ramadhan that many have never tasted before.
Exploring The Treasures of Ramadhan
Detailed Study Of Ramadhan Focusing On Purification & Self-DevelopmentInstructor: Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford University)
Date: Saturday 30th July 2011 Time: 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Venue: Cambridge University
Facilities & Features: crèche/childcare, free 2 nights accommodation for travellers, free parking
Special Offers: Buy One Get One Free, Group of 5 Discount, Scholarships, Free Non-Muslim Guest Pass
"Jazakumullah khair for the efforts of the MEOC for arranging these blessed gatherings of knowledge. The seminars I've attended so far have several elements that make them very special, starting from the choice of topics themselves which cater to the more profound needs of the people rather than addressing some superficial issues that seem to be more fashionable today. Even the content of the seminars and the manner of teaching by Shaikh Akram Nadwi are directly focussed towards developing a deeper understanding of these issues. In these seminars, one gets a glimpse of the years of learning that have gone into the brilliant scholarship of Shaikh Nadwi. Furthermore his knowledge seems to be blessed by an acute understanding of the needs of the Ummah. The seminar on the 'Legacy of Ibrahim (a.s.)' was exceptionally beautiful, wherein, the Shaikh in his own words confessed that he was attempting to transmit, not knowledge, but the state of his heart, to the others present. While the knowledge and the insight that one gains into the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the history of Muslims through these seminars is invaluable, I personally feel that these sessions are more than just one-day courses. I am inclined to call them gatherings of Remembrance of Allah, and we all know the blessings of such gatherings!" - Mohini Verma, PhD Student, Cambridge University
"Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi is a great asset to the Muslims in the UK and his 57 volume work on al-Muhaddithaat (The Women Scholars of Islam) is no doubt going to be a lasting legacy of this great man. I had the blessed opportunity of spending a day with him recently; he is one of those few individuals who in a short period of time can change your entire thinking. May Allah bless the brothers and sisters in Cambridge and those in Oxford who organise and help the Shaykh in his works." - Nasar Ishfaq, Manchester
"As a non Muslim (currently!) I have been delighted by the whole experience of the MEOC lectures and have found them so helpful in my studies and 'quest for the Truth'. I had been doing lots of reading and studying and had started to read the Qur'an and this lecture seemed to come at the perfect time.The whole experience has been well organised, welcoming and informative and the depth and breadth of knowledge of Shaykh Dr Mohammed Akran Nadwi is truly inspiring and motivating. Excellent course delivery with suitable breaks allowing for reflection and brief stretch of legs, plus useful and interactive question and answer sessions.The two lectures I have attended thus far have benefited me enormously and I look forward to more God willing." - Sarah Jarman, Bedford
More Testimonials:

Great post.Well the blessing of Ramadan and the revolution of this Holy month attains Taqwa in the heart of Muslims if they worship Allah and do fasting in this month.Allah reward him, and also forgive his sins.person should engage with the Holy Quran and do prayers which will help him to more close to Allah, and more he receive the light of the Quran to create that revolution in this Holy motnth.