"The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Quran was sent down, a guidance for mankind, clear proofs for the guidance, the Criterion; so whoever amongst you witnesses this month, let him fast..." [Qur'an 2:185]
It is said that fasting has been prescribed in Ramadan because the Qur'an was sent down in this month as a guidance with clear proofs and criterion. It is as if we are being prepared to receive the guidance of the Qur'an through fasting. So how could one fast but not engage with the Qur'an? The Qur’an is guidance for the people of Taqwa (God-consciousness) and fasting has been prescribed to attain Taqwa.
How Do We Engage With The Qur'an?
Surely reciting the Qur'an in Arabic or listening to it without understanding will not give us guidance or clear proofs or the criterion. Although there is immense benefit in reciting and listening to the Qur'an our engagement should be more than that. It is to ponder and reflect over the Qur'an - "(This is) a Book that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations, and that those of understanding may reflect." [Qur'an 38:29]. It is this pondering (tadabbur) and reflecting (tadhakkur, tafakkur) that can bring the ultimate benefit - guidance, clear proofs and the criterion - of the Qur'an. Sadly many people do not know what pondering (tadabbur) and reflecting (tadhakkur, tafakkur) mean in practice let alone actually practicing them upon the verses of the Qur'an.
This is your opportunity to acquire a framework for pondering and reflecting over the Qur'an with the invaluable upcoming seminar Exploring the Treasures of Ramadhan by Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi. In addition to this you will learn many more aspects of Ramadhan in this unique one-day seminar on Saturday. There are only a few more places left so register today to avoid regret and disappointment. This seminar would be invaluable not just for the coming Ramadan but for your whole life.
Exploring The Treasures of Ramadhan
Detailed Study Of Ramadhan Focusing On Purification & Self-DevelopmentInstructor: Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford University)
Date: Saturday 30th July 2011 Time: 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Venue: Cambridge United Reformed Church
Free Parking: Cambridge University
Facilities & Features: crèche/childcare, free 2 nights accommodation for travellers, free parking
Special Offers: Buy One Get One Free, Group of 5 Discount, Scholarships, Free Non-Muslim Guest Pass
Transportation: Car sharing may be arranged for people travelling from London and other cities.
Shaykh Akram Nadwi Videos
If you have not come across Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi before you can watch some seminar clips of him below.
Legacy of Ibrahim (AS) - Universal Model for Families & Nations
http://vimeo.com/26015814 (one-minute video)
Marriage & Family Life in Islam
"I have been to few of the CISS courses and can say with certainty that they have been inspiring to the highest degree. Shaikh Akram's style of teaching ensures that you are connected from the start, not only in terms of the relevance of the knowledge he is sharing, but also through the openness of the sessions. He not only shares the important knowledge on the topic but also encourages the questioning of all that knowledge in order to make it relevant for us in today's world. These courses have helped me to reinvigorate and renew my passion for my faith and have encouraged me to continuously seek and apply the vast knowledge there is in Islam." - Rimla Akhtar, Chairperson, Muslim Women's Sport Foundation, London
"Jazak'Allah khair for a fabulous seminar. I truly enjoyed it and it was very much worth the trek from London to Cambridge" - Antti Kangaslahti, London
"I thought the course was really excellent, with a speaker in command of such vast knowledge of the topic. The organisation was also very good in every way." - Helen Gramy, London
"The course was very good and very well managed. The structure of the course and the timing of the breaks were aslo very good. I learned alot from Sheikh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi and I left loving the Prophet (pbuh) even more and determined to investigate more about him. Jazak Allah khair for the experience and may Allah reward both the Sheikh and the organisers in their efforts." - Ayan Adan, London
More Testimonials: http://courses.meoc.org.uk/p/"The course was simply amazing, it was a lot of information to take in but was definitely worthwhile. As for Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi, words cannot serve justice for explaining how humble yet knowledgeable he is. Alhamdulillah I went with my whole family and intend to attend all of his future courses InshaAllah" - Rahee Ahmed, Law Student, Kent University
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