Opposition to Islam is as old as Islam itself. Whenever a Prophet or Messenger came to a nation inviting to the worship of Allah and His obedience, there was always a group of people (generally the elite of the society) who would oppose them. This opposition to the Prophets and Messengers was rooted in pride, arrogance, racism, tradition and a lack of thinking. It was rarely the case that the cause of this opposition was ignorance or misunderstanding of the message. The Prophets and Messengers of Allah made the utmost effort to convey the message of Islam plainly and clearly to the people.
Today too Islam continues to be attacked and Muslims the world over are experiencing opposition in various forms. In Europe we have seen the banning of niqab as well as headscarves in public institutions; the activities of the English Defence League in the UK; the media's disrespect of the Prophet Muhammad, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam and more. In Asia, there has been the targeting of “halal” products and Muslim businesses by Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Force Legion) in Sri Lanka and the anti-Muslim campaigns of Shiv Sena (Shiva God’s Legion) in India. Vilification of Islam carries on through the internet by Evangelical Christians in the USA. The list continues with the onslaught against Islam by “militant” atheists such as Richards Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens, not to forget the popular pro-Zionist “islamophobes” such as Daniel Pipes and Douglas Murray.
We would like to think that the current opposition shares the same roots as the opposition faced by the blessed Prophets and Messengers. But is that really the case? Today it is most often the case that people oppose Islam and Muslims out of ignorance and misunderstanding of the message of Islam, an ignorance which is only furthered by the bad character and unworthy example of the Muslims themselves. It is not necessarily due to pride, arrogance, racism, tradition or a lack of thinking. Who is then responsible for this opposition? Is the main cause of Islamophobia the Muslims themselves?
Of the many misunderstood aspects of Islam that have contributed towards Islamophobia, the greatest confusion appears to lie in the subject of Shariah Law, Islamic State and Jihad. This is as true for Muslims as it is for non-Muslims. Coming up on the 8th of February in London & Online Worldwide is a key seminar that explains the whole issue of Shariah Law, Islamic State & Jihad in a way that has never been explained before in the English language. Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi will address these issues head-on in the light of Qur'anic paradigms, prophetic thinking, historical lessons and current context.
The 10% early bird discount ending soon. Please book your tickets now for attendance either onsite in London or online worldwide.

Cambridge Islamic Sciences Worldwide Presents
Shariah Law, Islamic State & Jihad
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)
Date: Saturday 8th February 2014 | Time: 9.30AM - 6.00PM
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Online: Worldwide - Live & Recorded Access
A groundbreaking seminar on the current developments in the Muslim and Western worlds in the light of Quranic paradigms, Prophetic thinking, historical lessons and current context, delivered by one of the foremost scholars and thinkers of the Western world today.
The seminar covers:
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford)
Date: Saturday 8th February 2014 | Time: 9.30AM - 6.00PM
Venue: Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Online: Worldwide - Live & Recorded Access
A groundbreaking seminar on the current developments in the Muslim and Western worlds in the light of Quranic paradigms, Prophetic thinking, historical lessons and current context, delivered by one of the foremost scholars and thinkers of the Western world today.
“The principal reason for the waste of the effort of the Muslims, whether they are fighting or not fighting, is that they do not have a clear and comprehensive plan.” - Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi
The seminar covers:
- The portrayal of Shariah Law, Islamic State & Jihad in The Qur’an
- The Prophet peace be upon him as the leader of the Muslim Society
- The early Muslim Khilafat and their role in the society
- History of Islamic Empires from the Abbasids to the Ottomans
- Analysis of traditional Islamic revival movements
- The decline of the Muslims and the rise of the West
- The effect of colonialism on the Muslim mindset
- Analysis of modern Islamic revival movements - Ikhwanul Muslimeen, Tabligh-i-Jamat, Jamat-e-Islami, Hizb at-Tahrir, Salafi based movements and Sufi based movements
- Analysis of modern day conflicts in Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Kashmir and other places
- Clash of civilisations and Islamophobia in the West - a myth or a reality?
- Muslims and democracy - compatible or a contradiction?
- Muslim society in a secular state - is this possible?
- Islamist-Muslim and Secular-Muslim - who are they?
- What is the role of Muslims in the West?
- What is the future for Muslim in the the West?
- What is the way forward for the Muslims in the East?
- What is the “Comprehensive Plan” for the Muslims?
Special Offer: Early Bird Discount, Student & Group Tickets
30% Discount - Ends 23/01/2014 [Code: EARLYBIRD01]
20% Discount - Ends 30/01/2014 [Code: EARLYBIRD02]
10% Discount - Ends 06/02/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD03]
Registration: www. CambridgeIslamicSciences.com
30% Discount - Ends 23/01/2014 [Code: EARLYBIRD01]
20% Discount - Ends 30/01/2014 [Code: EARLYBIRD02]
10% Discount - Ends 06/02/2013 [Code: EARLYBIRD03]
Registration: www.
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