Thursday 20 September 2012

In Defence of The Prophet - Surah Al-Qalam - The Magnificent Journey

It appears to be a time of the year when some ridicule is trying to be hurled at the Prophet (SAW) and the Muslims. This is not a new occurrence but is as old as the advent of the Prophet (SAW). It is a coincidence that Surah Al-Qalam is to be explored this weekend together with Surah Al-Mulk in the first of a year-long series of seminars. Surah Al-Qalam is the response of Allah (SWT) to the ridicule and abuse made towards His Messenger - Muhammad (PBUH) by the disbelievers and the hypocrites.

Like Surah Al-Mulk which starts by powerfully exalting Allah (SWT), Surah Al-Qalam starts by Allah (SWT)'s exaltation of  the Messenger (SAW).

Nun. By the pen! By all they write! Your Lord’s grace does not make you [Prophet] a madman: you will have a never-ending reward–– truly you have a strong character–– and soon you will see, as will they, which of you is afflicted with madness. Your Lord knows best who strays from His path and who is rightly guided. So do not yield to those who deny the truth–– they want you to compromise with them and then they will compromise with you–– do not yield to any contemptible swearer, to any backbiter, slander-monger, or hinderer of good, to anyone who is sinful, aggressive, coarse, and on top of all that, an imposter. [Surah Al-Qalam 68:1-13]

Oaths are often used in the Qur'an. They are connected to what follows in that Surah. In this instance, Allah (SWT) swears by the pen and what is written by the pen. Is there a relationship between the pen and what is written here in this Surah? According to Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi and others there is a very strong relationship. The oath is there to make people understand that men of letters (those who write) know for sure that what the Prophet (SAW) came with (the Qur'an) is not something a mad person or a liar or a lunatic could come up with and that the Prophet (SWT) could never be a mad person or a lunatic or liar because "you are on an exalted standard of character" (ayah #4). The rest of the Surah then elaborates on this argument. The Surah ends with:

The disbelievers almost strike you down with their looks when they hear the Qur an. They say, ‘He must be mad!’ but truly it is nothing other than a Reminder for all peoples. [Surah Al-Qalam 68:51-52]

This Surah is as if it has been revealed to us fresh from the heavens with regards to the incidents of the past weeks. What better opportunity can we have to explore this Surah in detail and have a greater understanding of the Prophet (SAW) than to study it with one of the foremost Islamic scholars and thinkers of the Western world today? Furthermore, if one cannot attend the seminars in person they can access it live online from anywhere in the world and follow it with their family and friends. In these seminars you will study the intricate and subtle but very important connections between words and ayahs within the surahs to gain a well rounded and deep understanding of the Qur'an, which is very rare these days to find. No amount of reading books or listening to talks can compare to studying with a qualified scholar and a teacher of this calibre even for a short timeSo please sign up without delay to begin Your Magnificent Journey with the Qur'an. This is an opportunity one can hardly miss.

Please watch what the attendees say about these seminars:

The Magnificent Journey

An Amazing Journey Through The Last Two Parts (Juzu Thabaarak and Juzu 'Amma) of The Qur'an From Surah Al-Mulk to Surah An-Naas

By Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi (Oxford University)

Starting: Sunday 23rd September 2012     Time: 10AM - 6PM

Venue: Cambridge University or Anglia Ruskin University

  1. Sunday 23rd September 2012 - Anglia Ruskin University
    67. Surah Al-Mulk to 68. Surah Al-Qalam
  2. Saturday 20th October 2012 - Cambridge University
    69. Surah Al-Haaqqah to 70. Surah Al-Ma'aarij
  3. Saturday 17th November 2012 - Cambridge University
    71. Surah Nuh to 72. Surah Al-Jinn
  4. Saturday 22nd December 2012 - Cambridge University
    73. Surah Al-Muzammil to 75. Surah Al-Qiyaamah
  5. Saturday 26th January 2013 - Cambridge University
    76. Surah Al-Insaan to 77. Surah Al-Mursalaat
  6. Saturday 23rd February 2013 - Cambridge University
    78. Surah An-Naba' to 80. Surah 'Abasa
  7. Saturday 23rd March 2013 - Cambridge University
    81. Surah Ath-Thakweer to 84. Surah Al-Inshiqaaq
  8. Saturday 20th April 2013 - Cambridge University
    85. Surah Al-Buruj to 89. Surah Al-Fajr
  9. Saturday 18th May 2013 - Cambridge University
    90. Surah Al-Balad to 96. Surah Al-'Alaq
  10. Saturday 22nd June 2013 - Cambridge University
    97. Surah Al-Qadr to 114. Surah An-Naas
  11. Sunday 21st July 2013 - Anglia Ruskin University
    Bonus: 1. Surah Al-Fathiha and 2:255 Aayat Al-Kursi
  12. Sunday 25th August 2013 - Anglia Ruskin University
    Bonus: Miracle of The Qur'an
There will be a minimum of 10 sessions in this year long course.


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