Saturday 21 April 2012

Discount For Adults & Free For Children - This Weekend Only

The seminar La-ilaaaha-illallah - The Call of All Prophets - The Way To True Servitude To Allah coming up on Sunday 29th of April 2012 is undoubtedly the most important and the most exciting of the Cambridge Islamic Sciences Seminars so far. It deals with the foundation of our existence and the purpose of our creation in a way that has not been dealt with before. It focuses on how we can become true slaves of our Lord and Master and be a beacon of light and guidance for others despite the prevalence of materialistic ideologies and technological advancements in the 21st century Britain and the rest of the world.

We want as many people to attend this seminar because it is unlike any other seminar they would have attended before. The benefits they would gain will be there for the rest of their life, InshaAllah. Therefore MEOC is subsiding the ticket sales from its own funds for those who wish to register during this weekend. The Special Offers for this weekend is as follows:

  • Adult Single Ticket £18.00 (reduced from £25) - CODE: DISC-ADULT
  • Young Person / Children's Ticket - FREE (reduced from £12.50) - CODE: DISC-CHILD
  • Creche/Childcare Ticket - £10.00 (reduced from £15) - CODE: DISC-CRECHE
  • Non-Muslim Guest Ticket - FREE - CODE: DISC-NM
  • New-Muslim Guest Ticket - FREE (New-Muslims within 2 years) - CODE: DISC-NM
  • Scholarship Ticket - ?? (for those who cannot afford) - PLEASE EMAIL
As you can see we have made every effort to include everyone and make the seminar affordable. Now it is up to you to make use of this opportunity. Please use the discount codes shown above to register. Of course those who wish to register without any discount can still register at the full price. Every penny spent is spent in the path of Allah. Muslim Education & Outreach Cambridge (MEOC) is a non-profit organisation entirely run by volunteers. So all funds go in to education and outreach (da'wah). Please note that anyone who has paid the full amount already is entitled to receive a refund for the discount.

Please register and forward this to your friends and family. These are unique and brilliant seminars by one of the foremost scholars in Western Europe. So do not miss this opportunity. Please read the testimonials at

La-ilaaaha-illallah - The Call of All Prophets
The Way To True Servitude To Allah

By Shaykh Dr Mohammed Akram Nadwi

When: Sunday 29th April 2012     Time: 10AM - 6PM

Venue: Lady Mitchell Hall, Cambridge University


Facilities: Free parking, Crèche/Childcare, book stalls, food stalls, free 2-nights stay at the mosque

This seminar is suitable for non-Muslims as well. So please bring your non-Muslim and new-Muslim friends and colleagues as guest for free.


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